Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-06 14:34:00

"Air pollution in Tirana, beyond norms" - Bejko: Exceedance of 4 pollutants in 10 out of 12 monitoring stations

From Ola Mitre

"Air pollution in Tirana, beyond norms" - Bejko: Exceedance of 4


The level of carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and PM10 and PM2.5 particles in Tirana is above the permitted norms. The data belong to the Alternative Annual Report on Air Quality and Noise Pollution, compiled by Co-PLAN, with the financial support of the Swedish Embassy, ​​based on measurements carried out in the period June - December 2024.

During the presentation, it was announced that these data are in contrast to the data reported by state institutions.

During his speech, the representative of the Swedish Embassy emphasized the need to take the necessary measures to protect the environment, also in the context of fulfilling the obligations that our country has to join the European Union.

"Albania is at a stage where it has set a very ambitious political agenda for the closure of all six groups of chapters by the end of 2027, and the most complex and resource-intensive area concerns group four and chapter 27. This requires a whole-of-society approach because it affects everyone. We are now in a situation where environmental degradation and climate change are happening at a very rapid pace, and this affects everyone: it affects communities, it affects society," said Erik Illes, Deputy Head of Mission and Head of Development Cooperation at the Swedish Embassy in Albania.

Air pollution is directly linked to health, as a series of international reports show the high number of deaths resulting from long-term exposure to polluted air.




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