Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-11 13:02:00

Small HPPs will sell energy on the free market - Procedure for changes to their contract with OSHEE begins 

From Ola Mitre

Small HPPs will sell energy on the free market - Procedure for changes to their

Priority Energy Producers will also be able to sell the generated energy on the free market. The Energy Regulatory Authority has initiated the procedure for reviewing the new draft contract proposed by the Free Market Supplier, part of the OSHEE Group, which is currently charged with the public service obligation of purchasing electricity from renewable sources.

At the last board meeting, ERE agreed that the requested changes are in accordance with the legislation in force, while the document is undergoing a public consultation procedure for possible comments from interested parties.

According to the current contract, FTL purchases all the energy produced by HPPs with installed capacity up to 15 MW, at a fixed price that is currently 10 lek/kWh.

Meanwhile, the proposed agreement introduces another innovation, providing for full access to the free market for a period of no less than one year, a determination that aims to assist FTL in more accurately programming the energy purchased from priority producers.

The new contract also provides for several other changes, which according to FTL are necessary due to legal and regulatory changes, developments in the energy market, problems encountered during the implementation of the current contract, as well as the need to adapt to industry best practices.




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