Kosova Posted on 2025-02-11 10:41:00

Kosovo, counting of votes for MPs begins - How many mandates have political parties secured so far?

From Kristi Ceta

Kosovo, counting of votes for MPs begins - How many mandates have political

The Central Election Commission in Kosovo has begun the process of counting the votes of candidates for deputies.

The CEC explained that during this process, the results of political entities will be verified, as provided for in the CEC Election Regulations for Municipal Counting Centers.

After the completion of these procedures, the counting of votes from the diaspora, conditional votes, votes from persons with disabilities, and other aspects will take place.

So far, the CEC has counted votes in 99.17 percent of polling stations. Out of 2,533 polling stations, 2,512 have been processed.

According to current results, the Vetëvendosje Movement leads with 40.83 percent of the vote, followed by the Democratic Party of Kosovo with 22.15 percent and the Democratic League with 17.59 percent. 

The coalition led by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is in fourth place with 7.47 percent of the vote. The Serbian List received 4.43 percent of the total and the Coalition for the Family 2.26 percent.

Based on the current results, the Vetëvendosje Movement is expected to have 47 deputies in the Kosovo Assembly. PDK is in second place, with 25 seats, and then LDK with 20 mandates. While the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo is expected to have only 8 deputies in the country's parliament.




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