Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-11 11:32:00

Banks collected 75 billion lek from interest in 2024 - BoA: 38% increase in deposit expenses

From Ledina Elezi

Banks collected 75 billion lek from interest in 2024 - BoA: 38% increase in

The higher number and values ​​of loans and transactions from citizens and businesses have meant that commercial banks' income from loan interest and commissions has continued to grow during 2024.

The latest data from the Bank of Albania shows that banks' gross interest income has reached 94 billion lek, an increase of 13.6% compared to December 2023.

Meanwhile, 2.3 billion lek more was secured from fines and commissions in 2024. The figures show an increase of 13.9%, bringing the total income from the portfolio of fines and commissions receivable to 18 billion lek at the end of 2024.

On the other hand, interest expenses, which refer to the expenses of banks to pay interest on deposits to citizens and businesses, or interest on government securities, resulted in 19 billion lek, an increase of 38%. In total, commercial banks' losses or profits from financial instruments such as treasury bills, or bonds, reached 2.3 billion lek.

According to official statistics, the largest increase in loan interest income was recorded in 2023, while the lowest expenses for deposit interest were in 2021.

The ratio between banks' profit from loan interest and their expenses for deposit interest is very large. The interest that the bank has paid on deposits constitutes only 25% of their net profit of 75 billion lek from loan interest. The profit from loan interest compared to the expenses for deposits is considerably higher, taking into account the fact that their number, value and rates are different in the bank.



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