National Scheme, 1.6 billion additional lek for farmers
During the third revision of the 2024 budget, made in a special meeting on Thursday evening, an additional 1.4 billion lek was allocated to farmers, to continue payments to the beneficiaries of the National Scheme, and funds were increased by 1.6 billion lek for the local government for the settlement of arrears.

Sarajevo, the third most polluted city in the world - The air quality index reaches 225!
Flights were grounded and residents of Sarajevo were told to stay indoors on Thursday after a thick 'blanket' of smog descended on the capital of Bosnia and......

EU bans harmful chemicals from food contact materials!
The Commission has extended the ban on the use of a chemical commonly used in plastics and resins, bisphenol A (BPA), which is often found in food and drink......

Çmimi i gjalpit shënon rritje të ndjeshme në të gjithë shtetet anëtare të Bashkimit Europian!
Ndërsa gatimi i ushqimit festiv të Krishtlindjes po afrohet, europianët zbulojnë se po përballen me një tjetër shpenzim të përditshëm ndërsa çmimi i gjalpit......

In October, 115 complaints about tender procedures were addressed - KPP in 97 decisions, resolved 127 complaints of economic operators
Complaints of Economic Operators addressed to the Public Procurement Commission have been registered in 115 for the month of October this year. But how are......

Albania-Kosovo, in a joint Assembly - Rama: We want the Republic of Kosovo to be recognized an hour ago
A joint session of the two Assemblies, of Albania and Kosovo, was held in Pristina. In this session, 130 deputies were present, as well as the Prime......

Natural Gas Prices Up 40% - Low Temperatures and Geopolitical Uncertainties Among Key Factors
Natural gas prices rose to a two-year high on worries about a cold winter, geopolitical uncertainty and supply constraints. Natural gas futures rose to......

253.16 MW of solar energy are licensed - Energy production from photovoltaic plants, 16 new licenses during 2024
The year 2024 has marked developments in terms of the licenses granted for the production of energy from the sun and the capacity that is expected to be......

The 11 million euro laundering scheme is revealed - Tax Investigation: It took place in Albania and was transferred to Canada
A scheme to launder 11 million euros from a fictitious company in Albania to Canada is discovered in Tirana. The Directorate of Tax Investigation in the......