Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-18 11:34:00

How will copyrights be protected? - Pr/law: Fines are foreseen up to 3% of the platforms' annual revenues

From Diamila Leka

How will copyrights be protected? - Pr/law: Fines are foreseen up to 3% of the

The Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation has issued for Public Consultation the draft law "On copyright and other related rights".

But what does this bill provide?

According to the report, the objectives of this draft law are: the protection of copyright and other related rights, the term of copyright protection, restrictions on the exercise of copyright, individual and collective administration of copyright as well as their infringement, etc.

Meanwhile, this draft law will, among other things, fully harmonize EU directives, which are partially harmonized. First of all, the directive that must be complied with is the InfoSoc directive, which harmonizes the exclusive rights of authors.

The Rental and Lending Directive, which harmonises the right of authors, performers, producers and broadcasters to authorise or prohibit the rental and lending of their works and other subject-matter. The Resale Right Directive, for satellite and cable broadcasting, etc.

But what will the punitive measures be?

According to the report, articles 9 and 10 can be enforced through the imposition of financial fines, which can reach up to 3% of the annual revenue collected in the Republic of Albania by the platform.

While the directive stipulates that oversight of the rules will be divided between the European Commission, which will be primarily responsible for large online platforms.

The Commission will have the power to conduct investigations and impose fines of up to 6% of the platform's global revenue.




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