Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-18 11:31:00

1.33 billion lek for connecting roads in the Llogara Tunnel - ARRSH prepares the tender, the final opening for vehicles is expected this year

From Ola Mitre

1.33 billion lek for connecting roads in the Llogara Tunnel - ARRSH prepares the

The construction of the connecting roads in the Llogara Tunnel will cost around 1.33 billion lek or 13.5 million euros. The Albanian Road Authority has prepared the tender above the high monetary limit that is expected to be opened in the future, with the aim of selecting the company that will carry out the works. In parallel, the tender for the supervision of the works is also planned, with a limit fund of 26.67 million lek.

The Llogara Tunnel was opened for vehicle traffic during the summer season last year. Meanwhile, in October it was closed again, to complete the works on the emergency tunnel. The final delivery of this infrastructure work is expected to take place during this year, while the passage through it will be paid. However, so far it has not been announced how much the fee that will be applied will be.

Construction of the Llogara tunnel began in November 2021 through a contract worth 17 billion lek. It is 6 km long and consists of the main and emergency tunnels.

It is part of the Orikum - Himara road section and starts 500 m north-west of the Shën Eliza bridge on the Dukat - Llogara road segment and ends 1.3 km west of the Palasa bridge, completely avoiding the Llogara Pass. Passing through the tunnel shortens the access time to the south of the country by about 45 minutes.




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