How many opportunities for 'part-time' employment does Tirana offer? - Students, more inclined to seek a part-time job
To cope with the high costs of living in the capital, students are inclined to work part-time.
In Albania, among the sectors where this service is offered are those of service in the hotel industry or work in the call center, which has become very popular over the years.
Studying in the morning and working part-time for a few hours during the rest of the day is something that is also affirmed by the students themselves.
Where a good part of them say that they don't have time to work and study.
The rate of participation in the labor force (Graph) for young age groups according to the Institute of Statistics has been on an upward trend where during the last year almost 40% of young people were part of the labor market.

In Vlora, 1 in 5 families consists of one person / About 4.3% of the total population in Albania lives alone
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How much money do immigrants send at the end of the year? Analysis: From the role of remittances in the economy to the impact of the fall of the euro
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The history of Albanian Eurobonds, 6 such in 13 years - Loans received ranged from 300 to 650 million euros
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Albania in Baku for renewable energies - Balluku and Kumbaro: We will give our experience
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The head of the AMF is appreciated for her contribution to the development of financial markets and the integration process
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The Italian court again orders the return of emigrants from Albania - Tensions between the judiciary and the government are escalating
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Major Project/ Gjirokastra Region with a new electrical network - The investment of 279 million lek covers a geographical area of 450 km²
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