Shqipëria Posted on 2024-11-12 12:25:00

The head of the AMF is appreciated for her contribution to the development of financial markets and the integration process


The head of the AMF is appreciated for her contribution to the development of

The General Executive Director of the Financial Supervision Authority, Mimoza Kaçi, was awarded a certificate of appreciation from the European University of Tirana. The assessment was given for the contribution to the development of the financial sector in Albania, the alignment of legislation and advancement with EU standards, as well as the support for increasing financial education and professional skills.

In front of students and colleagues, Kaçi spoke about the role model of a career woman, a dedicated mother and an inspiring leader. "It is the greatest appreciation given to me by the institution where I have invested, which has supported me and in fact has been a milestone in my professional journey," said the head of the AMF.

Kaçi has continued her ties with the university even after assuming the senior position as Deputy Executive Director and Member of the Board of the AMF, a decade ago. For a year, she has been leading the Authority and is also the leader of Chapter 9 "Financial Services" negotiations.

After receiving the evaluation from the President of UET, Selami Xhepa, Kaçi told about the students and those who are starting their careers, some of the elements that have helped her in her journey. Focusing on values ​​and principles, Kaçi underlined integrity and sincerity as the key to success in order to have a good cooperative relationship.

"I have tried to be true in every collaboration, in every initiative, in every project and in fact I think it has been a great force that has given me wings in this journey."

The head of AMF advised the students to harness the power of initiative, embrace and use opportunities and technological innovation to make a difference with others and touch their dreams. "Try to be innovative with ideas and find the inspiration to move forward."

Another essential point in leadership, Kaçi emphasized cooperation and the creation of group spirit, sharing with the staff her vision for the institution and the future. She took the opportunity to thank all her colleagues and staff of the AMF, for the professionalism shown and the cooperation in achieving the required standards. On the other hand, he emphasized the fact that every leadership needs a little feminine spirit.

"Respecting, listening, empathizing, making them feel valued. It is important for each of us to feel good in the workplace, to feel appreciated. If we don't share these values, this way of management, we do neither ourselves nor others any good," she said.

Kaçi called it an honor and a privilege to lead the negotiations of Chapter 9, but also an opportunity to contribute and advance Albania and make it part of the European family.

The president of UET, prof. assoc. dr. Selami Xhepa expressed his satisfaction for the evaluation of a colleague, who for years has been and continues to be a lecturer in the university halls, also singling out the contribution to the public sector.

"I am pleased that we are honoring a personality who, even at a young age, I think has outstanding contributions, because for an extremely long period of time she has been the head of the AMF, one of the most important institutions in the country, together with The Bank of Albania constitutes the board for guaranteeing the stability of the financial system", said Xhepa.

Likewise, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Development, prof. assoc. dr. Ermela Kripa emphasized the fact that for the second year this faculty has honored women and girls who lead with vision and dedication, offering inspiring models for students.





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