Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-28 15:08:00

Increasing cybersecurity in energy - ERE changes rules, obligations for ISO standard include gas and some private operators

From Ola Mitre

Increasing cybersecurity in energy - ERE changes rules, obligations for ISO

The changes that the energy sector and relevant legislation have undergone have forced the Energy Regulatory Authority to undertake changes to the regulation on cybersecurity of critical infrastructures in this sector.

One of the innovations is the inclusion of the natural gas sector in the need to guarantee security. “ERE considers cybersecurity in the electricity and natural gas sectors as a fundamental element for maintaining the security and integrity of the energy system and infrastructure in the natural gas sector,” states, among other things, the report accompanying the decision to amend the regulation.

Also, one of the main changes concerns certain Critical Information Infrastructure Operators, who will be required to obtain certification with the ISO 27001 security standard within 18 months of the changes coming into force.

These include Kurum International, Dragobia Energy, Prell energy, Power Elektrik Slabinje, Seka Hydropower, Devoll Hydropower and Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).

The same obligation will also apply to operators of important information infrastructures, such as: the Electricity Distribution Operator, the Vlora Thermal Power Plant and the Vlushe Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Meanwhile, according to the new regulation, even in the conditions that new infrastructures are added to the field of regulation, which have not been part of the critical or important information structures determined by the Council of Ministers, with their inclusion in the respective lists, these operators are also subject to obligations related to obtaining security standard certifications.

The review of the rules for critical infrastructures in the energy sector was also one of the Assembly's requests in the Resolution approved for ERE for 2024.





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