Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-28 12:57:00

The General Directorate of Customs brings 4 new customs services online!

From Edel Strazimiri

The General Directorate of Customs brings 4 new customs services online!

The General Directorate of Customs announces that in cooperation with the Albanian Customs Agency, it has successfully tested 4 new customs services which will be offered online through the E-Albania platform.

 The new services that will be offered online after this announcement are:

 1- ​Request for additions/changes to the Outward Processing Regime Authorization

The outward processing regime allows Albanian goods to be temporarily exported from the customs territory of the Republic of Albania, in order to undergo processing operations and the products resulting from these operations to be placed in free circulation with full or partial exemption from import duties. To apply online, follow the link below:

2- Application for exemption from the territorial jurisdiction rule

The "Application for exemption from the territorial jurisdiction rule" service is used in cases where economic operators, for various substantiated and documented reasons, request the completion of customs formalities at customs branches other than the customs branch competent for the territory where the activity is located (each year or period of the year).

To apply online, follow the link:

3. ​Request for additions/changes to the Customs Warehouse Regime Authorization

Temporary Storage is the status of non-Albanian goods from the moment they are presented to customs until they are assigned a customs destination.

4. ​Request for transfer of rights and obligations from one holder to another of the RPA Authorization

According to various requests that may be presented to an Economic Operator during the work process, the need may arise to transfer goods under RPA from one RPA Authorization holder to another RPA Authorization holder;



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