Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-28 12:13:00

Social pension for those who have lost working years - Manjani: Employees in former state-owned enterprises until 1994 benefit

From Elisabeta Dosku

Social pension for those who have lost working years - Manjani: Employees in

All those citizens who worked in former state-owned enterprises, state institutions, in former enterprises or former agricultural cooperatives until 1994 and today do not enjoy a pension due to lack of documentation, will benefit from recognition of contributory periods for pension purposes. 

These individuals will benefit from a minimum pension at the social pension rate of around 9,500 lek per month. The draft law that aims to resolve this issue has been discussed and approved in the Parliamentary Committee on Economy. 

Olta Manjani, Deputy Minister of Economy: 

"Many of the employees of former state enterprises and former agricultural cooperatives are unable to document their employment relationships before 1994. And since they did not have any contribution periods after 1944, they did not meet the conditions for retirement. The draft law regulates the effects carried over in relation to the recognition of years of work when they have such problems. The approval of this draft law would enable the benefit of a pension at least as large as the social pensioner's pension. The financial effects of this draft law are 5 billion lek. The draft law will increase social security for those who worked before 1994 and will reduce social inequality."

The cost currently paid by the budget for the legal processes opened on this issue is very high. While the draft law has a cost of 50 million euros for a period of 16 years.

"There are about 3,000 lawsuits related to the draft law in question per year, and the number of individuals who file lawsuits in court and win the lawsuit is very high, and only less than 1 percent do not win the lawsuits. Since there have been many costs, this draft law helps minimize these costs. Procedures have been simplified. Citizens only need to submit a certificate and a document of the apartment and they will be reviewed administratively. The financial effects are 5 billion lek for 15-16 years," she said.

Regarding this issue, the Social Security Institute has identified significant problems, such as: complete lack of data, partial, corrected, deleted data, incorrect identities, damaged sheets, lack of documentation for certain subjects, etc.



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