The call for social investments opens - What do the projects supported in the country's 61 municipalities include?
The Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation announces that the call for applications for investments within the Social Housing Program for the period 2025-2026 has been opened. This call goes to all 61 municipalities of the country.
According to the announcement, the supported projects include, social housing through the adaptation of existing facilities or new construction, improvement of housing for disadvantaged communities, improvement of infrastructure especially in informal areas, temporary shelters through the purchase, assembly or adaptation of existing facilities.
Meanwhile, municipalities must submit complete documentation to the Housing Directorate by January 31, 2025.
But what are the results so far from the housing program?
The data show that from 2016, until the end of the 8th month of 2024, the needs of 21,908 families have been addressed, realizing the objective to the extent of 62.5%.
Meanwhile, as regards the implementation of the 8th month of 2024, some results have been achieved, where 5,644 families have benefited from interest subsidies for existing loans, 183 families have benefited from interest subsidies for new loans.
Also, from the number of families, 52 beneficiaries belong to the treatment program with facilitated loans of the public administration. Likewise, 1,260 families have benefited from rent subsidies; 369 families have benefited from rent subsidies for expropriation from the construction of the Great Ring at a cost of 40.7 million ALL and 22 families have benefited from an immediate grant for low-cost housing, at a cost of 4.7 million ALL, according to the Ministry's data of Economy, Culture and Innovation.

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