Elimination of "black spots" on national roads - ARRSH opens the tender for increasing road safety
The Albanian Road Authority has announced the opening of the tender for the elimination of black spots in the national road network in 2024. The limit fund of this project is 83 million and 261 thousand ALL.
This project will foresee the intervention as well as the implementation of works to increase road safety at junctions or parts of the road, classified as "black spots". According to the document, the aim is to add safety elements to reduce accidents and increase safety.
Based on the data of the General Directorate of the State Police and the accident database, the most problematic points with a high risk of accidents have been identified, such as in the road segment Qafe Kashar - Rinas on Airport Road, which makes this junction in a double shape "T", quite busy. The large flow of vehicles on the main road and the long wait for vehicles on the secondary road, prompts the latter to make wrong maneuvers, resulting in accidents.
The problems of this "T"-shaped junction that characterize it as a black spot appear in: high speed on the main road; wrong crossings on the main road and lack of road safety elements.
Problems are also present in the Maminas - Lalëz road segment, where the speed and poor visibility cause drivers to undertake wrong maneuvers, resulting in accidents. Meanwhile, other interventions are foreseen in other road segments, as black spots have been identified in the Elbasan - Rrogozhinë segment; Fushë Krujë – Thumë; Shkodër - Hani Hotit and in the Kthesa Balldre - Mabë road segment, where there is a need to complete the horizontal and vertical signage.
The overall objective of this project is to eliminate road accidents, restore, improve and increase road safety for all its users, the document states.

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