TikTok will be blocked, Manastirliu: New Action Plan to strengthen security mechanisms at school!
Today, the New Action Plan was presented, an important initiative of the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with institutions and international partners, at the end of the tour of consultations with parents, where 1300 consultations were carried out with the participation of 65 thousand parents in all schools. of the country, to address and improve safety in schools. This plan aims to strengthen measures against violence, bullying, and digital threats, building a safer and healthier environment for children.
Minister Manastirliu said that the Action Plan has four main directions and a wide public consultation was done for its drafting.
"The New Action Plan that we present today is an ambitious initiative that reflects our shared responsibility as a state, as institutions, as parents and as citizens. In it, we have included the findings and recommendations from the consultations carried out, the recommendations of the National Council of Parents, and the expertise of civil and international society, which has been a key part of its drafting. Through it, we aim to address the issues related to violence, bullying, online safety and the increase of prevention mechanisms, in function of safety in schools and the reduction, up to the elimination, of the phenomena of any form of violence within the school. This plan is built on four main pillars: physical and digital security, psychosocial support networks, education and awareness, and the open school concept.”
Minister Manastirliu detailed the concrete decisions to improve security in schools, including the blocking of the TikTok platform.
"At a time when technological challenges are inevitable, physical and digital security is a priority. To increase this security, we have decided to block the TikTok platform, based on a package of instruments that is being worked on by AKCESK and AKSHI. Also, we will install smart cameras through the 'Smart City' project, ensuring more effective monitoring within schools and their perimeter. In the next two years we will double the number of security officers, reaching 500, and set up a dedicated structure within the education directorates to coordinate the tasks of security officers and cooperation with local child protection units.”
Speaking about the importance of psychosocial support, the minister emphasized:
"We are aware that the need for multidisciplinary support among students is increasing, especially in terms of psycho-emotional support and addressing age concerns. For this reason, we have planned the addition of 350 psychosocial workers, reaching 1,200 within the next two years. Together with our civil society partners and academic institutions, we will establish a National Network for Online Safety, which will help in the digital protection of students."
Minister Manastirliu underlined the role of education and awareness.
"There can be no security without education. The adoption of the New Code of Ethics for teachers, the strengthening of the Parents' Councils and the organization of periodic Regional Assemblies are essential steps to build a common front in the education of children. Also, the improvement of Civic, Digital and Legal Education curricula and texts will help to form a more aware and responsible generation," said Manastirliu.
In conclusion, the minister spoke about the Open School concept as one of the four directions of the New Action Plan.
"An open school is a school that serves the community. We will expand the Community Center School and School Sports Teams programs, involving over 20,000 students in extracurricular sports activities. From 2025, we will pilot summer schools in Tirana, to ensure that children have safe spaces outside of school hours."
Manastirliu concluded by emphasizing the importance of cooperation with parents: "This plan cannot be successful without you, dear parents. You are the teacher's closest partners and your contribution is irreplaceable to build safe schools and a better future for our children," he declared.

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