The budget "inflates", 618 million euros more - 11-month/ Wages and consumption dominate the increase in income
The state budget collected 60.5 billion ALL, or 618 million euros more than a year ago for the 11-month period of the year.
According to the preliminary data of the Ministry of Finance, the total income for the period January-November 2024 reached about ALL 647 billion.
Tax revenues (revenues from net VAT in the country, profit tax, personal income tax, national taxes) for the 11th month of 2024, were realized in the amount of 207.5 billion ALL, with an increase of 20.2 billion ALL compared to the same period of a year ago and 3.4 billion ALL above the plan.
The VAT collected domestically had a good performance, which increased by 27% in 11 months, reflecting the high consumption throughout the year.
The personal income tax has been realized in the amount of 60.1 billion alleks and has seen an increase of 7.2 billion alleks compared to last year due to the increase in salaries in the public administration.
Incomes from social and health insurance again result in a significant increase of 15% compared to 2023, reaching ALL 146.7 billion. Even in this item, the reform of salary increase and anti-informality had an impact.
As for customs revenues, they were realized in the amount of 209 billion ALL, 11.5 billion ALL or 5.8% more than in the 11th month of 2023. Import VAT and Excise were the items that contributed to this increase compared to the year of past, against revenue from mining rents and customs taxes.
The general public expenditures for the 11-month period of 2024 reached about ALL 575.3 billion, with a realization of 88.1% of the plan for the period, while compared to the same period of 2023, this item was 4.8% higher. .

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