Tik-Tok is closed in Albania for a year - The new plan is presented, Rama: Security will be increased in schools
The Albanian government has decided to close the tik-tok platform in Albania for at least 1 year. In the closing meeting after the public consultation with teachers and parents about the measures against Tik-Tok and the safety of children as a whole, the prime minister announced that this decision was taken because of the damage that this platform is causing to minors in the country.
"Starting from the beginning of next year, we will close Tik-Tok for 1 year for Albania. Over the course of a year, we will see how other countries will act, what are the new rules that will come out, how tik-tok itself will react. On tiktok outside china you see only scum. And that's what the boosting algorithm does. The problem today is not our children, it's us, it's our society, it's tik tok and all the other lands" - said Prime Minister Rama.
The government presented a new 3-year Action Plan to address and improve school safety. This plan aims to strengthen measures against violence, bullying, and digital threats, building a safer and healthier environment for children.
"At a time when technological challenges are inevitable, physical and digital security is a priority. To increase this security, we have decided to block the TikTok platform, based on a package of instruments that is being worked on by AKCESK and AKSHI. Also, we will install smart cameras through the 'Smart City' project, ensuring more effective monitoring within schools and their perimeter. In the next two years we will double the number of security officers, reaching 500, and set up a dedicated structure within the education directorates to coordinate the tasks of security officers and cooperation with local child protection units.” - added the Minister of Education, Ogerta Manastirliu.
According to the Minister of Education, the new action plan was drawn up after 1,300 consultations with the participation of 65,000 parents in all the country's schools, to strengthen security mechanisms and raise the school-student-parent relationship to a new level. .

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