The EU will create 7 new AI factories across Europe. What are they and what will they do?!
The European Commission approved a €1.5 billion fund this month for seven new or modernized artificial intelligence (AI) factories spread across Europe.
Each plant will deploy or upgrade AI-enhanced supercomputers, large General Purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) models and programming equipment, the Commission said.
The new AI factories will "expand the use of AI" among small businesses in the EU, while "increasing" AI research among the bloc's academics.
In the country, organizations will be able to develop, test and evaluate new algorithms that will advance the way AI is being used across the bloc, the Commission added.
The first factories should be up and running by 2025 and, by the end of the decade, will turn Europe into an "AI continent", according to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang said in a keynote speech earlier this year that the main goal of an AI factory is to generate revenue and intelligence during this latest "industrial revolution."
"Everyone who's building these chatbots and generative AI, when you're going to run it, you're going to need an AI factory," Huang said.
There are four components to a strong AI factory: a data "pipeline" that prepares data for AI, algorithm construction, software infrastructure such as supercomputers that support AI training, and an experimentation platform where the AI can then be tested, according to a 2020 Article from the Harvard Business Review.
The intelligence generated by AI factories can then be used to operate AI models or other types of new technology.
In NVIDIA's case, the company said it would use its factory to boost the development of industrial robots and self-driving cars and to offer AI generation systems like ChatGPT.
Factories also support Google's daily ad auctions, the availability of Uber and Bolt rides, and set Amazon's prices, according to the Harvard Business Review.
The commission chose Barcelona, Spain; Bissen, Luxembourg; Bologna, Italy; Stuttgart, Germany; Mimer, Sweden; Kajaani, Finland; and Athens, Greece as new locations for AI factories.
The existing supercomputer facilities in Spain will receive an upgrade, and the AI factory in Greece will open with a supercomputer called DAEDALUS already in use.
Each AI factory will focus on different areas of the EU economy: in Italy, part of the focus will be on agri-food and cyber security, while space and finance are the areas of focus in Luxembourg.
Some of the AI factories, such as the ones in Finland and Greece, will also offer upskilling classes for those who may want to retrain in AI.

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