Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-17 13:25:00

“ALPEX and the development of renewable sources, achievements” - Energy Community: Challenge, integration with European markets. Laws must be adopted

From Ola Mitre

“ALPEX and the development of renewable sources, achievements” -

The unification of the Albania-Kosovo energy markets and the functioning of the Albanian Electricity Exchange, the development of renewable energy sources and expectations for the adoption of the new Energy and Climate Plan.

These are some of our country's achievements throughout 2024, announced during the presentation of the Annual Report of the Energy Community Secretariat, at the Production Activities Committee.

However, our country will need to adopt additional legal packages, as part of its engagement as a member of the Energy Community. 

"You have already created internal electricity markets, but what still awaits us is the integration of those electricity markets with the European Union markets. We call this process market integration and for this the appropriate legislation is needed. The adoption of the electricity integration package for Albania is still pending, so this is on the to-do list for the next Parliament, for the next Commission, but I hope that it will be achieved as soon as possible and this will enable the full integration of your electricity markets with the neighboring markets of the European Union and with the countries of the energy community, in order to ensure more price stability and liquidity. The second issue, of course, is the issue that is very closely related to it, it is the issue of interconnection with the countries of the region and to do this, we are still waiting for Albania to transpose the 10-E regulation", - said Artur Lorkowski, head of the Energy Community secretariat.

Lorkowski also emphasized the need to adopt the necessary legislation regarding the use of biofuels.

"This would also require the development of appropriate legislation when it comes to environmental standards for biofuels, biomass, so that you can introduce more biofuels and biomass into your energy mix, while at the same time protecting the environment, and it is extremely important that this balanced approach is being provided ," he said.

A short while ago, the draft law "On Biofuels" was submitted to the Assembly, but the document was not approved, which means that it will have to be reviewed by the new parliament that will emerge after the May 11 elections.



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