Europa Posted on 2025-03-17 11:17:00

EU, life expectancy at the highest level ever - Mediterranean leads. Eastern states, with the lowest average age

From Kristi Ceta

EU, life expectancy at the highest level ever - Mediterranean leads. Eastern

Life expectancy in the European Union has increased to the highest level ever recorded, according to figures published by Eurostat.

According to the data, average life expectancy in the EU is now 81.4 years, marking an overall increase of 3.8 years since the start of data recording in 2002.

However, the figures show a large divide between western and eastern regions of Europe, as people born west of the former Iron Curtain can expect to live beyond 80 years, while some regions on the eastern edge of the bloc lag behind with an average age of around 75 years.

The regions with the highest expected life expectancy are the Spanish capital Madrid with 86.1 years, followed by the northern Italian region of Trento and the Åland Islands between Sweden and Finland with 85.1 years.

On the other hand, the northwestern region of Bulgaria had the lowest life expectancy, at 73.9 years, followed by the northeastern counties of Hungary and the EU's outermost region, the French islands of Mayotte off the coast of Madagascar, at 74.9 years.

But several other regions in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, as well as Latvia, also lag behind southern Europeans by almost 10 years, perhaps due to the Mediterranean diet.

Another notable difference is the gender gap, with women expected to live 5 years longer than men. This gap appears to be largest in the Baltic states, as women in Latvia are expected to live 10 years longer than men, followed by Lithuania at 9 years and Estonia at 8.8 years. The smallest gender gap is in the Netherlands, at 3 years.


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