Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-24 10:43:00

Water utilities improved energy efficiency - High costs for water supply, the indicator decreased to 0.58 kWh/m³

From Ola Mitre

Water utilities improved energy efficiency - High costs for water supply, the

Water utilities have slightly improved their energy efficiency indicators, reducing water supply costs. According to official data from the Water Regulatory Authority, during 2024 this indicator resulted in 0.58 kWh/m³, from 0.65 kWh/m³ the year before.

According to the WRA, the improvement in the indicator came from a reduction in consumption of around 5 million kWh, following new investments in pumps and a decrease in the volume of water produced by mechanical lifting.

Also, in some cases, the improvement has come as a result of reconciliations made by water supply and sewage companies with the Electricity Distribution Operator for incorrect billing.

Energy costs are a concern for water supply and sewage companies, arising from physical losses, but also from the quality of the pumps they use. As a result, many of the companies face high and unaffordable bills for their finances, accumulating debts to the Electricity Distribution Operator.

Meanwhile, the 2024 Resolution also tasked the Water Regulatory Authority to request water utilities to conduct a study on energy efficiency in water supply systems, focusing on the use of alternative renewable sources by these companies.

In this context, WRA reports that energy remained the second largest item of operation and maintenance costs after labor costs for 2024. Therefore, according to the Entity, special attention has been continuously paid to this cost item by analyzing it in detail, especially at the moment when utility companies apply for a new tariff level.

"In this context, WRA also provides relevant recommendations to each individual utility company on the necessary measures to be taken by them to improve energy efficiency, also considering its alternative sources ," the Agency informs.



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