Saving energy and reducing greenhouse gases - The government reviews the objectives for 2030, increases "ambition" by 5%
The government will review the National Energy and Climate Plan, setting more ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030. According to the document released for public consultation, the new target for the percentage of energy from renewable sources in total final consumption of energy will be 59.4%, from 54.4% that is in the current 2021-2030 plan.
An important focus is given to energy efficiency, while the main goal is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to reach below 1990 levels in 2030.
Based on energy policy documents, the sectors considered to have a high potential for energy savings are the transport sector, public and private buildings and industry.
These sectors will not only have to reduce overall consumption, but also reduce the use of fossil resources such as oil, gas or firewood and orientate towards renewable energy sources.
According to the document issued for public consultation, the new strategy is harmonized with the recommendations of the Secretariat of the Energy Community.
Meanwhile, the development and implementation of national energy and climate policies will not only aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also generate significant economic benefits in various sectors.
These policies are expected to encourage investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable practices, creating new sources of income and stimulating economic growth.
Planned investments in the energy sector are expected to have a significant impact on the growth of the sectoral GDP, generating income and increasing the workforce in various fields.

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