Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-10 13:38:00

The race for Milot-Balldre ends without complaints - 35-year concession for the 17 km axis. The way is opened for the evaluation of the offers

From Ola Mitre

The race for Milot-Balldre ends without complaints - 35-year concession for the

The concession competition for the construction of the Milot - Balldre road axis has been closed without complaints regarding the tender criteria, paving the way for the review of the bids and the selection of the company that will carry out the works. After passing this phase, the companies have the right to submit objections if they do not agree with the decision of the Bid Evaluation Commission. Meanwhile, if the bid review phase is also closed without complaints, the way is paved for the conclusion of the concession contract and the start of the works. 

The tender for interested companies was opened by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy on December 19 last year, while initially the deadline for submitting bids was February 17. However, the MEI then decided to postpone it, setting March 10 as the new deadline for companies to express interest.

According to the tender documents, the total estimated value of the project is around 365 million euros, excluding VAT, while the duration of the contract will be 35 years. This value includes the costs for the design, operation and maintenance of the road, which will be a category A motorway, from the current category C road.

The Milot-Balldre axis is about 17 km long, and will have a dual carriageway with two lanes and emergency lanes, a bank, a two-tube tunnel, as well as large works of art over the Mat River and the Drin River. The concessionaire will also have to build parallel roads of category F2, interchanges at grade, along with connecting roads and alternative toll roads of category “C”, at a distance of no less than 1 km from the main axis.

The road begins at the Milot junction, where it will connect to the other road segments Milot-Thumanë – Kashar – Lekaj – Rruga e Kombit and will end at the existing Tirana-Shkodër road, in Balldre.

This axis is part of the Adriatic-Ionian corridor, which is preliminarily identified as part of the TEN-T Mediterranean Corridor, extending the EU Core Network Corridor to the Western Balkans Region. It will connect Central Europe and Northern Italy with the Balkans in South-Eastern Europe, with Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. The estimated length of the entire Mediterranean Corridor is around 1550 km, while 20% of it or 318 km lies on Albanian territory.




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