Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-24 13:55:00

Roundtable for the design of Albania 2050 - What needs to be done for a safer environment?

From Diamila Leka

Roundtable for the design of Albania 2050 - What needs to be done for a safer

Civil society, legal experts and more, organized a roundtable discussion where they discussed economic, social, political, etc. problems in Albania in 2050.

Fajton Softa Eskpert Sigurie:  "This conference aims to redraw the design of Albania 2050 in several ways. First, by offering an analysis of the Albanian reality different from what the government or opposition presented. Second, by offering solutions for public and major interest and not for clientelistic interests. Third, by making it clear through Professional and independent Expertise where and from where Public Policies should be oriented based on "Know How" and on the basis of studies. Fourth, this roundtable aims to create an alternative source of information and treatment of public policies in relation to domestic and foreign institutions."

For the former head of the State Police, Gledis Nano, the question that arose was what should be done for a safer environment in Albania?

"One of the main issues that affects all of us in our daily lives is public safety, national security. It is a pillar to protect the sovereignty of the country and its citizens. While urban development should focus on creating sustainable functional spaces that improve the quality of life. And these will go hand in hand. But, when we talk about national security, it seems like a big word, in fact what affects us every day is the safety, tranquility, and order of citizens. These are the small issues."

The aim of this roundtable was to redraw the design of Albania 2050, providing an analysis of the Albanian reality, offering solutions for public interest as well as for the treatment of public policies in relation to domestic and foreign institutions.




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