Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-13 11:53:00

Albanians are leaving, foreigners are working here! - IHP: Last year, 14% more foreign workers than in 2023

From Ledina Elezi

Albanians are leaving, foreigners are working here! - IHP: Last year, 14% more

During 2024, a total of 1,536 foreigners were employed in Albania. Data from the latest report of the State Labor Inspectorate shows that 14% more foreign workers were registered last year than in 2023.

The State Labor Inspectorate has conducted 9,746 inspections in private entities, from which 1,536 foreign employees were found, 93 of whom were without a work permit.

What about the businesses in which sectors employ the most foreigners?

Most foreigners are employed in the manufacturing sector, such as those dealing with the production of textiles or construction materials. Specifically, about 572 foreigners work in manufacturing enterprises in Albania. Meanwhile, the other sector with the highest demand for foreign workers is trade, hotels-bars-restaurants.

The tourist "boom" that Albania has been experiencing in recent years has increased the need for businesses for more workers to meet the demands of tourists, especially during the summer season in the south of the country.

Also, the increase in the number of foreigners working in Albania is also related to the fact that 40% of Albania's workforce works abroad, or because businesses choose to hire employees with lower wages from Asian countries.

On the other hand, mining and construction are the other two sectors with the largest number of foreign employees, with 133 and 128 respectively. While finance and services, electricity, gas and water, are those that employ the fewest foreigners.

If we make a comparison with 2023, the increase in the number of foreign employees is smaller. In 2023, their number increased by 85%. While even in 2023, the sectors that employed the most foreigners were manufacturing and trade enterprises, hotels-bars-restaurants.

The increase in the employment of foreign workers in recent years has brought special attention to inspection practice in controlling their working conditions to ensure that they have safe, fair and equal working conditions.


Shqipëria 2025-03-13 Edel Strazimiri

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