Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-08 10:16:00

Government plan for olive trees - Draft/ No felling allowed in developing areas, only relocation

From Scan TV

Government plan for olive trees - Draft/ No felling allowed in developing areas,

The government is taking measures to preserve the olive tree root fund through the mechanism of their relocation in cases where, based on the planning and development instruments of the territory and the construction permit, their relocation is necessary.

The draft law published for public consultation, "on some additions and amendments to the law on the protection of fruit trees", allows the relocation of olive tree roots by the developer in cooperation with the land owner, only in cases where there is a building permit approved by the bodies responsible for territorial planning and development.

According to the draft, in these cases, the displacement of olive tree roots occurs because the land changes its destination for construction, after passing all legal stages until the approval of the development/construction permit.

In this way, the number of olive tree roots is maintained regardless of the dynamics of planning and development of the territory. The costs for the relocation of olive tree roots are borne by the developer/owner.

The document also argues that, recognizing the importance of collections of fruit trees, citrus trees, olive trees and vineyards, as well as isolated plants that have genetic value, relocation is allowed only in cases where there is a public facility permit approved by the bodies responsible for planning and development of the territory. The relocation is carried out by the developer in cooperation with the land owner. The relocation costs are covered by the state budget allocated for the implementation of the project.

The draft also sets out prohibitions on the relocation of olive tree roots within protected areas that have a special protection regime.

It has been taken into account that the olive tree is planted for production, decoration, and has a longer lifespan than orchards. Unlike fruit trees, citrus trees, and vineyards, which enter production very quickly and have a production cycle that goes up to 50 years depending on the culture and type of cultivar, the olive tree enters production later and has a lifespan of centuries.



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