Kosova Posted on 2025-02-08 09:25:00

Elections in Kosovo/ Voting begins at the country's diplomatic missions!

From Edel Strazimiri

Elections in Kosovo/ Voting begins at the country's diplomatic missions!

Kosovo citizens living in the diaspora have begun voting at diplomatic missions for the February 9 parliamentary elections.

Voting began at 07:00 in Kosovo embassies and consulates in European countries, while in the United States and Canada it will begin at 13:00, local time in Kosovo.

Voting on February 8th takes place in 43 polling stations, in 16 embassies and 14 consulates of Kosovo, located in 19 different countries around the world.

This is the first time that the diaspora can physically vote at Kosovo's diplomatic missions.

The spokesperson for the Central Election Commission, Valmir Elezi, said in a media conference that 20,324 voters have registered to vote at Kosovo's diplomatic missions.

For the parliamentary elections on February 9, over 2 million voters inside and outside Kosovo have the right to vote.

Meanwhile, from January 9 to February 8, the diaspora was also able to vote by mail. The CEC previously announced that 104,934 voters registered to vote outside Kosovo and 84,525 of them chose to vote by mail.

There are 28 political parties and one independent candidate in the race for the new parliamentary composition. Citizens can choose one party and up to ten candidates for deputies.

These votes will elect the new composition of the 120-seat Parliament, and the MPs will then elect the new government. The current government in Kosovo is led by Albin Kurti, leader of the Vetëvendosje Movement.

These are the first regular elections that Kosovo has held since declaring independence in 2008. So far, a series of snap elections have been held in the country.



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