Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-27 13:13:00

The Law on Strategic Investments is postponed for 2 years - Debates/ DP MPs, against. Pëllumbi: In 2026, the law will be ready with EU assistance

From Ola Mitre

The Law on Strategic Investments is postponed for 2 years - Debates/ DP MPs,

The effects of the law "On strategic investments" will be postponed by 2 years. The Committee on Productive Activities has approved the draft law of Socialist Party MP Pranvera Resulaj, who proposed that the law be in force until December 31, 2026.

In addition to the timeline, changes are also foreseen in the criteria for obtaining "strategic investor" status, specifying that the project's investment capital will now be over 50 million euros.

The postponement of the law's effects for the umpteenth time was opposed by opposition MPs, as the head of the committee announced that the new law, which is being drafted with the assistance of the European Union, will be ready in 2026.

Benefiting from the "strategic investor" status provides companies with public land through 1 euro lease contracts, auxiliary infrastructure, supply and adaptation of the electrical network, drinking water supply, etc.

The law considers the energy and mining sectors, transport, tourism, agriculture or fishing as strategic, while establishing criteria on the value of the investment to benefit from the status, according to each sector.




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