Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-27 13:07:00

"Implement a tax on small businesses" - IMF: More revenue, accelerate property tax reform

From Elisabeta Dosku

"Implement a tax on small businesses" - IMF: More revenue, accelerate

The International Monetary Fund recommends the Albanian government to increase revenue collection performance and expand the taxpayer base.

According to the IMF report, tax revenue performance continues to fall short of potential. The tax revenue-to-GDP ratio is around 19 percent of GDP, or 3-5 percentage points below the European average and other Western Balkan countries. While the real potential is estimated at 23 percent of GDP.

According to the IMF, the variety of thresholds, tariffs, and exemptions encourages under-declaration and weakens self-enforcement.

The International Monetary Fund considers that addressing these shortcomings would not only resolve the expansion of the tax base but also support revenue administration.

For this reason, it is suggested to introduce a small business taxation scheme. “In addition, the initiative to modernize the tax regime for self-employed professionals should be resumed, ideally in connection with the abolition of the zero income tax rate for businesses with annual turnover of up to 14 million lekë,” the IMF report states.

On the other hand, it is recommended to accelerate the property tax reform, based on the implementation of the property tax law in 2026, including the creation of the fiscal cadastre and property valuation procedures, completed in a timely manner.

The IMF estimates that such tax policy actions could generate an additional 0.8-1 percent of GDP in the medium term.



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