Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-31 12:47:00

Not only sun, 9 new licenses for HPPs - The construction of 10 small HPPs is foreseen, the total installed power will be 31 MW

From Ola Mitre

Not only sun, 9 new licenses for HPPs - The construction of 10 small HPPs is

While the increase in electricity production capacity appears to be focused on solar power plants, a number of licenses for hydropower plants were also granted during 2024.

According to official data from the Energy Regulatory Authority, there are 9 entities licensed in the activity of producing electricity from hydropower sources, while the number of HPPs that are expected to be built by them is 10.

Two of these licenses were initially granted in 2023, but were revised in 2024. In terms of installed capacity, these are small plants, while the total installed power amounts to almost 46 MW.

These licenses are added to those data for solar energy, as over 303 MW of solar energy was licensed during 2024, the highest value recorded since the start of licensing of companies in the activity of producing energy from this energy source.

Official data from the Energy Regulatory Authority shows that a total of 17 companies have already received the green light, increasing the capacity expected to be installed from the construction of the parks.

Meanwhile, the situation is different for wind energy, which currently remains unexploited in our country. Even during 2024, no company was licensed in this activity, while there were only 2 active licenses issued by the Energy Regulatory Authority in 2007-2008.



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