Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-08 11:29:00

560 thousand foreign visitors in January - Kumbaro: About 14.5% more than last year. Albania, with year-round tourism

From Ledina Elezi

560 thousand foreign visitors in January - Kumbaro: About 14.5% more than last

During the month of January, a total of 560 thousand foreign visitors came to Albania. Compared to January last year, there is a 14.5% increase in the number of visitors or almost 3 times more than 4 years ago.

According to the Minister of Tourism and Environment, Mirela Kumbaro, more than half a million foreign visitors in the first month of the year alone show that Albania has left behind seasonal tourism and has consolidated a new chapter in sustainable tourism, where visitors are visiting guesthouses, mountain trails, mountain climbing, historic cities, museums and castles, while in the next four years it will be the Balkan champion in this industry.

In 2024, Albania experienced a tourism boom, a boom that looks set to continue into 2025. Last year, the number of foreign visitors reached 11.7 million, an estimated 15.2% increase over 2023.

International tourist arrivals have also increased by 80%, surpassing popular destinations such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Japan, or Turkey. The year 2024 marked a significant increase in tourists from Western Europe, such as Italy, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Even in the 2025 budget, greater attention has been paid to tourism, with an increase of 306 million lek, or 7.9% compared to the 2024 budget.



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