Parliamentary elections in Kosovo - 100 thousand young people will vote for the first time
Tomorrow, general parliamentary elections will be held in Kosovo. According to CEC data, the number of citizens with the right to vote within the territory of Kosovo is 1 million 970 thousand 944 voters. Meanwhile, the number of citizens who have registered to vote from outside Kosovo is 104 thousand 924 voters. 28 political forces are competing in these elections, of which 20 political parties, five coalitions, two citizen lists and one independent candidate.
According to CEC figures, 100,000 young people will vote for the first time. Citizens will choose between the candidates for prime minister, which are; Albin Kurti of the Vetëvendosje Movement, who is seeking a second mandate, Bedri Hamza of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Lumir Abdixhiku of the Democratic League of Kosovo and Ramush Haradinaj of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo.
Meanwhile, for the first time, the Kosovo diaspora is voting in the diplomatic missions of the countries where they live. In total, about 105,000 citizens have registered to vote from outside Kosovo, of which 20,324 have registered to vote physically in one of the diplomatic missions, about 17,000 other citizens have registered to send the envelope with ballots to the CEC mailbox in Kosovo. While about 60,000 others to send the package with ballots to one of the CEC mailboxes opened outside Kosovo.
The elections are also considered of great importance for Serbs, who decided to participate in the process, despite the tensions in recent months. Everyone agrees that the policy of boycotting Kosovo institutions must change and that the problems of the Serb community must be institutionalized.
For the past decade, the ten guaranteed seats in the Kosovo Assembly have been held by the Serb List. But, in the past two years, Serb MPs, in accordance with the “boycott policy”, have been going to the Assembly every six months just to avoid losing their mandates and salaries. In addition to the Serb List, other parties from the Serb community will also participate in the February 9 elections, such as the Serbian Democracy, the Party of Kosovo Serbs and the Civic Initiative for Popular Justice.

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