Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-06 10:27:00

44.2 million euros for youth employment - Who benefits and in which programs will it be distributed?

From Elisabeta Dosku

44.2 million euros for youth employment - Who benefits and in which programs

At a time when the lack of labor force has become a concern for businesses and, on the other hand, the latter are looking for qualified human resources, the Albanian government plans to take measures to facilitate the integration of young people into the labor market. The national employment and skills strategy 2023-2030 foresees the implementation of several programs for this purpose, which amount to a cost of approximately 44.2 million euros.

11.7 million euros will be spent on graduates.

Specifically, it is envisaged to increase the offers of the professional internship program in the labor market, which targets young graduates registered in employment offices, and has an implementation cost of 4 million euros.

The opening of the 7th call of the National Professional Internship Program is also foreseen, as an opportunity for young people aged 21-26 who have completed at least the first cycle of studies, bachelor's degree, to do a three-month internship in central and local institutions, businesses, NGOs, etc., and which has a cost of 617 thousand euros.

The employment program that supports the transition of young people aged 15-29 into the labor market by matching vacancies with the profile of job seekers, has a cost of 4.5 million euros.

The on-the-job training program, which supports the employment of young people aged 15-29 through training that addresses the qualifications required for specific professions and that matches employers' requirements, has a total cost of 1.3 million euros.

Meanwhile, the youth self-employment program by creating start-ups also has a cost of 1.3 million euros.

Meanwhile, a series of other programs aimed at integrating young people from vulnerable categories, young people without secondary education, and young people in prison into the labor market, mainly through short-term Vocational Education and Training courses, are registered at a total cost of 32.5 million euros. Calls for these programs are opened by the National Employment and Skills Agency and applications are made through e-Albania.



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