Europa Posted on 2024-11-19 19:50:00

Road accidents in the EU claim over 20,000 lives a year, while the number of victims continues to grow!

From Edel Strazimiri

Road accidents in the EU claim over 20,000 lives a year, while the number of

Road accidents across the EU claimed 20,653 lives in 2022, according to the latest Eurostat figures, which include drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

The number of deaths has increased over the past two years, with a 9% increase between 2020 and 2022, and a 3.6% increase from 2021 to 2022.

The EU regions with the highest death rates per million inhabitants were Alentejo in Portugal (149), Greece's southern Aegean (131) and the Ionian Islands (127) and southwestern Romania's Oltenia (123).

Urban and capital regions generally reported much lower rates of road deaths, particularly the capital regions of Stockholm (7), Vienna and Berlin (both 9), Eurostat says.

However, the long-term trend looks more hopeful.

Over the last decade (2012-2022), the number of road fatalities decreased in more than four out of five regions in the EU.

The sharpest decline was in the Swedish region of Norra Mellansverige (-62.9%), with the Malopolskie regions of Poland and the Salzburg regions of Austria also seeing decreases of over 60%.

On the other hand, the death rate increased in 37 EU regions.

Cantabria, Spain, Severen Tzentralen (Bulgaria), the North Aegean region (Greece), Portugal's Azores and Malta all reported an increase in road deaths of at least 50% over the past decade.



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