Analiza Posted on 2025-01-30 11:51:00

Businesses that closed and those that are "thriving"/ Transportation and agriculture "put the lock on". Accommodation and information, with the highest growth

From Xhorxhina Deda

Businesses that closed and those that are "thriving"/ Transportation

There are about 130 thousand active enterprises throughout Albania, according to data analyzed by "Scan Intel", increasing by about 19 thousand units over the past 10 years. But how have active enterprises changed by region and by sector during this period? It turns out that 4 regions in the republic registered a decrease in the number of active businesses.

Berat, Korça, Fieri and Gjirokastra have marked a decrease in the number of active enterprises over the 10-year period, with 513, 488, 146 and 272 units respectively if we talk about the change in absolute numbers.

But which are the regions with the highest growth? In first place we find Lezha with an increase of 39% or about 1,200 more enterprises in a decade. The list continues with Tirana, Durrës, Kukës and Vlora as the regions with the highest growth. So in this ranking, mainly coastal regions are noted.

Now, let's move on to the analysis by sector, starting with the first classification, services or production of goods. At the republic level, active manufacturing enterprises have had a more modest growth than those in services. The significant growth of active manufacturing enterprises is almost exclusively the result of the construction sector, where the annual growth is fixed at around 44.3%.

As for services, only information/communication and accommodation/food have made the most positive contribution with an increase of 115% and 0.8% over the 10-year period.

What is noticeable from the data is the very significant decline in active transport and storage enterprises and agriculture, forestry and fishing. This decline is also noticeable by region.

If we analyze the change over a decade in terms of regions and activities together, we see that the highest decline was in transport and storage enterprises in Dibër with 64.9%, Berat with 47.9% and agricultural enterprises in Vlorë. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the highest growth of 172% was recorded in information and communication enterprises in Tirana and Kuksë. We also find high growth in accommodation and food service enterprises in Kuksë and Lezë.



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