Shqipëria Posted on 2024-12-31 12:00:00

Floating TECs, waste treatment tender/ High standards of safety and environmental protection

From Ernilda Luzi

Floating TECs, waste treatment tender/ High standards of safety and

The Albanian Electroenergetic Corporation (KESH) has announced the opening of the tender for the benefit of the hydrocarbon waste evacuation service for the Vlora Floating TPP and their final treatment. The limit fund is 32 million and 812 thousand ALL.

The two floating TECs positioned in the Triport of Vlora have entered production. For operational purposes, thermal assets need to be supplied with HFO fuel, as well as small amounts of LFO hydrocarbon fuel.

Meanwhile, the generation of energy from the temporary floating thermal plant TEC Vlorë and the auxiliary infrastructure, an activity equipped with an environmental permit, is obliged to treat the waste produced by this activity, according to the document.

Among the listed wastes, hydrocarbon wastes are the ones with the highest importance of management and treatment, since they are the wastes with the highest volume and risk compared to other wastes. For this reason, the company KESH needs to procure the service for the evacuation of hazardous waste of the hydrocarbon waste type.

Fuel hydrocarbon residues are collected in a tank for each ship. "Evacuation and treatment of hydrocarbon waste" means that the economic operator will carry out the withdrawal of hydrocarbon waste from the tanks of the two ships in the Vlora Floating TPP, applying all the conditions and standards of safety at work and environmental protection, as well as the transport of waste hydrocarbons with vehicles that guarantee safety during transportation to the place of their treatment.

According to the document, in order to calculate the need for determining the amount of hydrocarbon waste escape, based on the technical characteristics of the generating assets and the characteristics of the fuel, the KESH Company sh.a will supply the amount of fuel of 25,000 tons for the operation of the generating assets .

The evacuation service and the final treatment of the hydrocarbon waste of the floating TPP Vlora will be for a period of 2 years or until the end of the consumption of the amount of fuel of 25,000 tons. Also, KESH sh.a will provide all passes and permits.






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