Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-20 13:48:00

How will administration employees benefit from soft loans? - 100 points that they must meet in terms of housing, economic and family conditions

From Diamila Leka

How will administration employees benefit from soft loans? - 100 points that

The Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation has been calling for applications for a soft loan with 0% interest for the purchase of a flat for 530 public administration employees for 10 days. Meanwhile, financing will be carried out according to the reference price and the area will be determined according to the family certificate. With the soft loan, employees of 12 state institutions will benefit.

But what are the quotas for each institution?

The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Education will have the highest number of quotas, with 90 quotas each. The Ministry of Health and Social Protection will have 80 quotas. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, and the Prime Minister's Office will have 30 quotas each.

But what are the criteria that must be met?

Referring to the instruction, first of all, an employee who benefits from a 0% interest loan must be employed in the public administration, according to the law "On social housing". Not to have a dwelling in ownership or in the process of legalization, or to have a dwelling below the housing standards. Not to own real estate or movable property over half the value of the dwelling that will be purchased with a facilitated loan, and not to be beneficiaries of other social housing programs.

But in addition to the criteria, a state administration employee to benefit from soft loans must meet the scoring criteria which is 100 points. First, he will have to meet 50 points with housing conditions, 25 points with family conditions and 25 points with economic conditions. In case there are more candidates with equal points than the established quotas, their selection is carried out according to the scoring system. The call for applications will be open for 30 days from the date of the call.





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