Around 464 million euros in payments with the AIPS system - BoA: The first two months of the year marked a record number of transactions compared to 2024
The AIPS-EURO system is increasingly being used to make very large payments in euros. The first two months of this year have marked a significant increase in the number and value of transactions made through this system.
Based on official data from the Bank of Albania, the total number of transactions carried out in February is 27 thousand. This figure exceeds that of February last year by 4.7 thousand transactions or in other words by 21% more.
In terms of transaction value, their amount reached 464 million euros in February 2025, thus experiencing an increase of 8.6% compared to the same period a year earlier or 37 million euros more.
We recall that the year 2024 ended with 30.5% more transfers than in 2023, while their amount also resulted in an increase of 26.2%. The same performance has been shown in the first two months of this year.
The Albanian Interbank Payment System (AIPS) is used by banks to transfer large amounts of money between each other in real time. AIPS enables large, fast and secure payments between banks, helping to maintain financial operations in the country.
AIPS-EURO is used by the government to repay external debt, by large businesses to settle very high-value invoices, and by banks themselves. However, AIPS also indirectly speeds up transactions for citizens, especially when large sums of money are involved. When a citizen makes a large payment, such as buying property or a car, the transaction involves the movement of money between the buyer's bank and the seller's bank. In this case, the buyer's bank uses the AIPS system to quickly and securely transfer funds to the seller's bank.

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