Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-04 13:57:00

"Recruitments in public administration, based on merit" - What are the priorities of the Cross-Sectoral Reform Strategy 2024-2030?

From Ledina Elezi

"Recruitments in public administration, based on merit" - What are the

The preparation of a professional, efficient, innovative and motivated public administration, which operates in accordance with European standards and the principles of sustainable development, and which has the necessary capacity and means at its disposal to prepare Albania towards membership in the European Union is the main objective of the Cross-Sectoral Public Administration Reform Strategy 2024-2030, which has just been published for public consultation.

This strategy envisages the review of the complete legal framework for civil servants, with the aim of guaranteeing that recruitments and promotions are carried out based on merit, competition and transparency for all levels of civil servants, with a special focus on the Senior Management Corps.

Another important priority is to improve the e-Albania platform, as well as guaranteeing citizens' access to public buildings through policies dedicated to equal access to public services and support for disadvantaged groups both in receiving digital services and in the physical interactions necessary to receive them. In addition, steps should be taken to strengthen the digital skills of citizens and public administration employees.

The objective will remain to build a public administration that follows sustainable environmental practices, minimizing negative impacts on the environment and promoting green policies and initiatives. This pillar includes components of employee awareness on green administration, where civil servants will be continuously trained on green administration. Ensuring the efficient use of natural resources in public administration institutions will include prioritizing electronic communication as official communication and reducing written communications with physical papers.



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