Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-03 13:23:00

New Energy and Climate Plan - Energy Community: Update process to be completed without delay

From Ola Mitre

New Energy and Climate Plan - Energy Community: Update process to be completed

Albania should complete without delay the process of updating the National Energy and Climate Plan, as well as consider amending the law “On Climate Change”. The request comes from the Energy Community Secretariat in the Annual Implementation Report, published a few weeks ago.

According to the document, Albania has not set a climate target for 2030 in national legislation, but it has been included in the National Plan, while the law "On Climate Change" should be revised to align it with the 2030 target set by the Energy Community.

The current National Energy and Climate Plan was approved in December 2021, while work on its update began in 2024, but has not been finalized.

The new National Energy and Climate Plan was released for public consultation in December 2024, and sets more ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030.

The new target for the percentage of energy from renewable sources in total final energy consumption will be 59.4%, up from 54.4% in the current 2021-2030 plan.

A significant focus is given to energy efficiency, while the main goal is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to reach below 1990 levels by 2030.



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