Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-22 10:17:00

Pensions with Italy, finally a reality - The approval of the Albania - Italy social agreement is published in the official gazette

From Alida Lula

Pensions with Italy, finally a reality - The approval of the Albania - Italy
Finally, the pension agreement with Italy is a reality. The social agreement between the two countries has been published in the Italian Official Gazette. After being recently signed by the Italian Minister of Justice, the agreement was published in the Official Gazette this Friday. A historic day, the Diaspora '91-19 AINAP team has described it, thanking the entire team that worked for the successful finalization of the social security agreement. Special thanks, Diaspora '91-19 has made to SCAN tv, as the window that has supported them at every step since the signing of the Hasani - Tajani agreement, for its sensitivity towards this cause so important for thousands of citizens.

From this agreement, the beneficiaries are about 500 thousand Albanian emigrant citizens who live and work in the neighboring country and about 4 thousand Italians who have a residence permit in Albania, in addition to those who have businesses.

Based on this agreement, Albanian citizens living in Italy or Italians living in Albania will benefit from the General Compulsory Insurance for disability, old-age and family pensions of employed workers, special treatment of self-employed workers such as artisans, merchants, farmers and insurance for sickness benefits, including tuberculosis and childbirth, as well as unemployment insurance. Invited to SCAN Live, the president of Diaspora '91-19 Eng. Esat Balla, together with the member of the presidency Ms. Greta Idrisi Balla, told Scan TV that:

'' The law that recognizes the agreement enters into force and gives the Italian state the opportunity to tell the Albanian state that the agreement has been approved. This will happen at the beginning of May and then the administrative agreement between the two states will be signed and made functional. The pension is received if the conditions are met, each state has its own conditions. The pension starts from the date of the request. Thank you to every contributor to this important project that has now become a reality .

With this agreement, people who are on the verge of retirement must apply to the respective Social Security Institute (Albanians in Italy and Italians in Albania), making it possible to receive two pensions, according to the years of work that has paid contributions.

The agreement will cover old-age pensions, sickness benefits and unemployment insurance for both Albanians living in Italy and Italian citizens living and working in Albania and paying their contributions here. The pension agreement signed with Albania will cost the Italian budget 12 million euros in the first year of implementation and 1,387 people are expected to benefit in the first year.

The data shows that in total, by 2020, there are 433,789 Albanian citizens who have paid social security in Italy.

Before the signing of the agreement with Albania, the number of citizens who will be treated with a pension was predicted to be 4727 people with a budget cost of 39.6 million euros, while after the signing of the agreement this number increased to 6114 in 2025 with a budget effect of 51.6 million euros. So, the prediction was that 1387 people would be added to the scheme, with a budget increase of 12 million for this year.

This also includes those persons who are treated with Law No. 189 of 2002, which gives Albanian emigrants the opportunity to benefit from a pension, but with the condition of repatriation, i.e. their return to Albania. The agreement on the recognition of contributory periods between Albania and Italy gives Albanian emigrants the opportunity to be treated with a pension in Italy and Albania at the same time.



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