Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-22 09:54:00

Informal employment increases by 27% in 2024 - Report/ 3,433 administrative measures were imposed

From Diamila Leka

Informal employment increases by 27% in 2024 - Report/ 3,433 administrative

Despite the fact that the Albanian government has campaigned against informality and employee salary declarations, informal work remains present in significant numbers even in 2024.

Referring to the State Labor Inspectorate Report, it is worth noting that compared to 2023, there is an increase in the number of informal workers identified during the inspection process, by about 27%. According to the report, this indicator is related to the increase in inspection performance to send inspections to the entities that carry this phenomenon the most.

Thus, referring to statistical data regarding the elements of informality, it is found that out of 1347 employees or 52% of the informal employees identified are employees of entities that were inspected on the basis of programming or inspection planning. On the other hand, 839 employees or 26% are informal employees identified in thematic inspections while 414 employees or 16% of the informal employees identified are employees of entities that were inspected outside of programming.

But what are the administrative measures that have been imposed on 2024 entities?

According to the report's figures, a total of 3,433 administrative measures were imposed last year, representing about 35% of the inspected entities, as a result of the identification of various violations of labor law, for which the necessary measures were taken to correct them. Administrative measures were imposed for violations of occupational safety rules, working hours, wages, etc.



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