Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-18 13:29:00

Fewer complaints about fines for violations at work - Labor Inspectorate: In 2024, only 21% of them were complained about

From Ledina Elezi

Fewer complaints about fines for violations at work - Labor Inspectorate: In

During the past year, businesses have appealed fewer fines imposed by labor inspectors. According to the annual report of the State Inspectorate of Labor and Social Services, in 2024 a total of 210 fines were imposed, with only 21% of them being appealed, a lower figure compared to previous years.

A total of 920 complaints/requests were filed, of which 80% are complaints or denunciations from employees and 20% are requests for information and legal clarifications, an indicator of institutional transparency and trust in information. These complaints have been handled through regular inspection processes, mainly for violations of employees' rights, such as non-payment for work on public holidays, weekly holidays, overtime and lack of employment contracts.

The largest number of complaints handled belong to the Tirana Regional Directorate with 61.3%, the Vlora Region with 8.3% and the Korça Region with 4.3%.

The court has upheld 100% of inspection decisions and 45% of fines have been voluntarily liquidated, 10% more than last year, reflecting a significant improvement in the quality of inspectors' decision-making.

This downward trend in administratively appealed decisions and appeals against fines indicates an increase in business confidence in the decision-making process and improved communication and institutional transparency of the State Labor Inspectorate.

During 2024, 190,340 workplaces were inspected, or employment relationships verified in 9,860 inspected entities, marking 1% more inspections than the same period a year earlier (although the number of vacant positions is 10 field inspectors), inspection indicators have resulted in qualitative growth compared to the same period a year earlier.



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