Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-03 11:03:00

Tender corruption - Agreement on prevention: In-depth investigations and measures for offenders

From Ola Mitre

Tender corruption - Agreement on prevention: In-depth investigations and

Prevention of corruption in tendering procedures is the focus of a Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Public Procurement Agency and the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption.

The agreement aims at mutual cooperation not only within the framework of the fight against corruption through the prevention of corrupt actions, but also in the direction of good use of public funds.

According to the signed document, the National Anti-Corruption Coordinator will notify the PPA of the cases of the investigations carried out, when at the end of them it is established that the procurement procedures carried out or the contracts concluded by the contracting authorities are in violation of the public procurement rules.

Meanwhile, based on the findings of the investigative reports, APP will undertake administrative measures against the responsible official of the relevant institution or against the economic operators who are found to be in violation.

Likewise, when it identifies cases of illegal actions outside its powers, APP will refer the cases to the Anti-Corruption Coordinator. 

According to the Memorandum of Cooperation, the two parties will also cooperate in the analysis and assessment of the risk of corruption in the field of public procurement, as well as organize joint activities with the aim of strengthening the applicability of the law, guaranteeing the property interests of the state and rights of each subject participating in a procurement procedure.  




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