Shqipëria Posted on 2025-01-24 10:52:00

Gentian Sala at the head of AKEP? - The Council of Ministers sends the proposal for approval to the Parliament 

From Dorian Koça

Gentian Sala at the head of AKEP? - The Council of Ministers sends the proposal

The Electronic Communications Authority (AKEP) will soon have a new leader. Recently, the Council of Ministers has proposed to the Parliament the candidacy of Gentian Sala, for the vacant position of the AKEP Steering Council, who will also hold the position of Chairman. The Steering Council consists of the Chairman and five members.

On January 10, the Government announced a call for applications from candidates who meet the criteria for this vacant position, following the end of Tomi Frashëri's mandate in December.

Candidate Gentian Sala was the director of the Audiovisual Media Authority from 2014 to 2019. After this position, he headed the secretariat for the coordination of bilateral relations between Albania and Kosovo.

A law graduate from the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, Sala subsequently pursued a Master's degree in "European Studies". Since 2004, he has held the title of lawyer, and is fluent in English and Italian.

About two months ago, AKEP granted authorization for the use of frequencies in the 3.5 GHz band by Vodafone and One Albania, thus paving the way for the implementation of 5G technology in our country.

According to the terms of the authorization, the two operators are obliged to cover 55% of the population with service by the end of 2027 and 85% of the population by the end of 2030, through these frequencies.

By 2025, entrepreneurs must ensure coverage of ports, airports and several other areas of socio-economic importance, while priority in terms of coverage will also be given to areas of special importance, including tourist areas, national parks, roads, highways and tunnels, and areas involved in various development projects.



Sa ju bindin programet ekonomike të partive për zgjedhjet e 11 majit 2025?

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  • Kanë ide të mira, por mungojnë detajet e zbatimit
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Shqipëria 2025-01-24 Edel Strazimiri

How did this week end for the major currencies?

The US dollar closed the week in positive terms, being bought today at 94 lek and sold at 95.2 lek. The euro is bought today at 98 lek and sold at 98.6 lek......

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