Shqipëria Posted on 2024-11-04 13:47:00

"Financing of the Elbasan bypass" - The Minister of Finance lists the road projects that will receive money next year

From Ola Mitre

"Financing of the Elbasan bypass" - The Minister of Finance lists the

The 2025 budget project did not foresee funds for the construction of the bypass of Elbasan, but while presenting the budget for the construction of roads, Minister Petri Malaj also mentioned this segment as one of the projects financed for the coming year.

The Elbasani Bypass is an important axis, in terms of the movement of citizens and goods, as it connects the 2 arteries of Corridor VIII that are currently under construction or tendering, from Lekaj to Qafë Thana and vice versa.

Also, its construction is expected to significantly reduce the traffic generated from Tirana to Elbasan or in the opposite direction.

According to the accompanying tables of the draft budget, the cost of its construction is 22.3 billion ALL, while it is listed under projects with foreign financing, but without specifying the source of financing.


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