Shqipëria Posted on 2024-11-04 11:53:00

"New Cooperation Network for Cyber ​​Security" - Tafa: We have made progress. We are ready to share our experience with the countries of the region

From Ledina Elezi

"New Cooperation Network for Cyber ​​Security" - Tafa: We have

Regional cooperation in the field of cyber security is essential for coping with various cyber attacks and threats, but also for strengthening the digital infrastructure. This was the focus of the first technical meeting of cyber security agencies of the Western Balkans, Georgia and Moldova.

The General Director of the National Authority for Cyber ​​Security, Igli Tafa, said that Albania has taken steps towards improving cyber security and is ready to offer its support to other countries in the region.

"Albania has made good progress in legislation in the field of cyber security. This May we launched a new cyber security directive, which is aligned with the European directive. We are ready to contribute by sharing our experience with all the other countries of the Western Balkans, Moldova and Georgia. It is important that prioritizing investment in cyber security education, promoting capacity building programs and supporting bright young minds in the region can create a workforce more capable of dealing with cyber threats.”

During the meeting, Mirlinda Karçanaj, General Director of the National Agency of the Information Society, addressed the first cyber attack in two years from Iran.

"Our message to the global cyber security community is that Albania has faced one of the worst cyber attacks in its history. This stability was possible thanks to our historical and strategic allies, especially the United States of America. We believe that cooperating with international organizations and partners, sharing information and building capacities, we can confront and stop our enemies. Albania's mission is to contribute towards a shield, where IA is the driving force of the national defense mechanism."

This meeting aims to facilitate cooperation between cyber security agencies, promote best practices and lay the foundation for the creation of the Cyber ​​Security Cooperation Network.


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