20-year bonds are issued for the first time!
The Ministry of Finance held the first auction of 20-year bonds on Tuesday and according to reports, there is a very high interest from investors.
According to published figures, out of the 1.5 billion lek that was the announced amount of the issue, total requests worth 4.26 billion lek were submitted at the auction.
Due to high demand and favorable pricing, the Ministry of Finance informs that it decided to increase the issue amount by 15%, bringing the total value to 1.72 billion lek.
The received uniform yield and bond coupon resulted in a level of 6.78%, below the reference coupon of 7% presented before the auction by the Ministry of Finance. In March, it has also foreseen a reopening of the auction of 20-year bonds, in the amount of 1 billion lek.
According to the authorities, the extension of the maximum debt maturity is a signal of strengthening the borrower's credibility.
The debt level in relation to GDP will continue its downward trajectory in accordance with the respective fiscal rule set out in the Organic Budget Law, where specifically during 2024 the debt level is estimated to decrease by around 2.3 percentage points (from 57.5% to 55.2%). During 2025 it is expected to decrease by 0.4 percentage points (to 54.8%) and during 2026 it is expected to decrease by 0.8 percentage points.
This is the lowest level since 2008. The reduction in debt led the main credit rating agencies, S&P Global Ratings and Moody's, to upgrade the country's sovereign debt rating this year.

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