Shqipëria Posted on 2025-03-14 11:07:00

Solar energy license “boom” - 10 approvals in 2 months, projects positioned in Fier Region  

From Ola Mitre

Solar energy license “boom” - 10 approvals in 2 months, projects

The year 2025 has started with a high number of licenses for the production of energy from the sun. According to official data from the Energy Regulatory Authority, in total for the first 2 months of the year, a total of 9 companies have been licensed for small plants with a capacity of up to 3 MW. 8 of the 9 licensed plants are expected to be located in the Fier Region. A large 100 MW plant has also been licensed, also planned to be developed in Darzezë, Fier.

These licenses follow those of 2024, which marked the highest value in terms of capacity since the start of licensing companies in the activity of producing energy from this energy source. In total, over 303 MW of solar energy were licensed last year for 17 companies that have already received the green light, increasing the capacity expected to be installed from the construction of parks.

The first licenses for solar energy production were granted in 2018, moving on to the years 2019 - 2021, during which only 6 MW were licensed. After this period, a significant increase in the number of companies and the capacity planned to be installed began to be noted. According to official data, in 2022, 15 companies were licensed for projects with an estimated installed capacity of 225,143 MW, while in 2023, 9 licenses were granted for a total capacity of 102 MW.

Currently, there are 62 companies that have received their licenses in the activity of producing energy from the sun, while their projects reach about 731 MW. The granting of these permits takes on particular importance in terms of diversifying the sources of energy production, given that the country is currently significantly dependent on hydropower.





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