Europa Posted on 2025-03-20 10:01:00

Minimum wages in Europe - Which countries have seen the biggest increases in the last decade?

From Kristi Ceta

Minimum wages in Europe - Which countries have seen the biggest increases in the

An adequate minimum wage is essential for ensuring a decent standard of living for workers. But how have minimum wages changed in Europe from 2015 to 2025? And, over the past decade, have wage inequalities widened or narrowed?

As of January 2025, gross monthly minimum wages in the EU ranged from €551 in Bulgaria to €2,638 in Luxembourg, according to Eurostat. When EU candidate countries with available data are included, the lowest minimum wage is in Ukraine at €182, followed by €285 in Moldova.

In January 2015, this total ranged from €184 in Bulgaria to €1,923 in Luxembourg. Among the candidate countries, the lowest figure was €53 in Moldova.

In nominal euro terms, excluding fluctuations in the local currency, Romania recorded the highest increase in gross minimum wages among EU countries. Its total increased by 273%, from €218 in January 2015 to €814 in 2025. When candidate countries are included, Moldova recorded the most significant increase, with a value of 438%.

In Bulgaria, where wages have historically been among the lowest in the EU, the minimum wage was expanded from 184 euros to 551 euros, marking a change of 199% between 2015 and 2025.

France had the smallest change, with minimum wages rising by just 24%, from €1,458 to €1,802 over the same period. In Germany, the minimum wage increased by €717, which translates into a 50% increase. In the Netherlands, it changed from €1,502 to €2,193, reflecting a 46% expansion.

Eastern and Southeastern Europe experienced the fastest wage expansion, helping to narrow the gap with Western Europe.

The Baltic states also recorded strong growth, while Western Europe saw smaller changes, reflecting more stable economies and already high wage levels.

If we look at the average annual growth, Romania ranked first among EU countries with 14.1%, while among EU candidate countries, Moldova reflected the largest change with 18.4%.

France had the lowest growth at just 2.1%. Rates also remained below 5% in Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Greece.

As of January 2025, minimum wages adjusted for purchasing power standards ranged from 878 euros in Estonia to 1,992 euros in Germany across EU countries. Albania recorded the lowest figure among the candidate countries with available data, at 564 euros.



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